The emerging science fiction futuristic story, 200 odd years from now, of life based on the trajectory of the current madness.
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October 01, 2021
Rule of Twelve, Double Take - Ch6 (Passage 4/5)

(… continuing)

Teacher continued.

“To help reduce the risk of corruption of the experiment, the Creator added some extra safety measures.

“First, the Creator hid the design from the creatures. Many would barely notice the mountain or the orb, and only a few would ever attempt to climb the mountain. The Creator even hid the knowledge of the cup. The Creator made the cups invisible and only observable by each cup’s owner. Most creatures would never know they even had a cup, let alone know what it was for.

“Secondly, the Creator added time to the mix. Time gave the experiment boundaries and ensured that at some point the results could be assessed. While seemingly infinitely long and starting with a big bang, the experiment would eventually end.
In addition, the Creator gave each creature a life that lasted only a miniscule fraction of the overall time to maximise the potential for variety and evolution.

“Thirdly, the Creator wanted to give the creatures something to do that encouraged them to search for meaning, for something else. So, the Creator made life on the plain hard. The Creator made time on the plain a toil of survival.

“Forth, the creator gave the creatures the ability to choose. The freedom to choose how they approached their toil would ensure wisdom was observed and considered with an open and free mind. The creator designed things so the creatures could choose if and when they engaged with their purpose.

“And finally, the Creator designed a flaw into the creature’s psyche. The flaw would cause the creatures to self-sabotage their own experience should they try to cheat the design. The Creator called this flaw the Ego, the servant of the non-authentic. The non-authentic would eventually fail at any attempt to climb the mountain, and instead would perish on the plain. Thus, only the authentically oriented would contribute to the process of returning the wisdom to the orb.”

“The Creator wanted to maximise the potential for wisdom to create wisdom, so the Creator constructed the cups so they would increase in size. They would increase in size as the creatures traversed the mountain. They then had a choice to return to the plain and collect more fragments before reaching the summit and merging their cup with the orb. Also, the Creator designed the experiment such that the cup would grow and fill faster as a creature took on more engagement with their path, and even more so when that engagement related to the task of prolonging their species. The logic being that this added complexity gave that creature a different perspective and increased the potential for new wisdom to be uncovered.

“The Creator knew that completing this task would require enormous effort on the part of the creatures. It would take every bit of their strengths, down to the last breath. As a reward for working hard to complete this task and reach the orb, the Creator made available three gifts. Firstly, only those that pursued their purpose or honestly endeavoured to grasp it, and did so authentically, would receive one hundred percent of what was due to them for their toil on the plain. Secondly, cup size growth would result in a greater sense of joy, wellness, and ease with the toil on the plain. Thirdly, the creatures would be given a glimpse of all the wisdom of the universe, as they completed their purpose.

“And to help things go in the right direction for those that engaged fully, the Creator etched into the side of each cup, the details of the design, plus a set of hints of the overall wisdom. These design details and hints of the overall wisdom would be readable only by a few. It was only visible to those who engaged fully with the toil of their purpose, such that they lived in fulness and died before they died. For most these hidden etchings would serve another purpose. Should they find themselves on or close to the right path, the hidden etchings would help the creature sense the correct path without the need for external confirmation.

“Initially, the creatures were too simplistic to grasp their true purpose. For a time, no creature even noticed the mountain or orb, let alone went near it. While still oblivious to the cup, the mountain, the orb, and their purpose, over time some sets of creatures, found ways to reduce the toil and prolong their time a little longer. They joined with others. They increased their numbers. They found new capabilities within themselves. They evolved new skills. This all enabled them to be better able to cope with the toil on the plain. They also got to know the plain better. They used its resources to add comforts and reduce the apparent futility of their existence.”

(to be continued...)

[Rule of Twelve, Double Take, Chapter 6 - Saying goodbye (Passage 4 of 5)]

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2021 BJ Allen

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I am investing in A.I. driven narration to bring the Rule of Twelve books to life.

It will be more than just narration in the traditional audio book sense. The A.I. will enable me to bring dialogue to life with character specific voices. This will create a rich and engaging narration.

Over the coming months I will be in catch-up mode, building the narration for already published material. Eventually, the aim will be to concurrently release chapters in both written and rich narrative form.

The narration will eventually make it to audiobook form for platforms like Audible and Spotify. However, to get it sooner, you will need a Locals subscription. The Locals App works just like your favourite audiobook app. So, you can listen on the go. Becoming a subscriber also helps keep this whole show on the road.

I look forward to sharing the journey with you.


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Rule of Twelve, Book 1, Double Take

Read Book 1 right here in Locals.

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March 28, 2024
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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 13
Regeneration - Power




Dukk opened his eyes. It was dark.

   “A dream. It must have been a dream,” he muttered as he tried to fathom where he was. He tried to digest the pre-dawn excursion with Craig.

   He swung himself out of bed. Marr was gone.

   He checked the time. Mid-afternoon.

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March 07, 2024
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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 12
Regeneration - New ground




“What in the world is going on?” Craig demanded as the doors to the south banqueting hall, closed behind them.

   Dukk, Marr and Emeelie stood before him. Beyond was the atrium bathed in orange light from the setting sun.

   On the opposite side of the atrium the doors to the north banqueting hall were open. Music and chatter could be heard from within.

   The noise from the others disguised the deathly silence that engulfed the four.

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January 26, 2024
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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 11
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“I am going to need a shower and change of clothes,” Marr announced as she put her helmet and goggles back on the rack in the garage.

   “Yes, the dust gets in everywhere,” Emeelie replied. “There are showers near the pool. Change of clothes too if you don’t want to go back to your suite all dusty.”

   “That is a good idea.”

   “Have you seen the pools below sea level yet?” Craig asked.


   “I was going to shower and change down there. Then use the sauna and take a swim. The pool up here can get quite hot in the afternoons.”

   “That sounds like a great idea,” Dukk said.

   “Absolutely, lead the way,” Marr added.

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