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The emerging science fiction futuristic story, 200 odd years from now, of life based on the trajectory of the current madness.
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Rule of Twelve, Double Take - Ch2 Perspective (Passage 4/5)

(… continuing)

Luna took a pause at this point as her, and Marr had reached the edge of the hills.
Before them was a nine-foot-high chain link fence. The fence disappeared away towards the citadel to their right and into the distance on the left. Beyond the fence were the vast tracks of grazing lands, vineyards, and orchards. Just on the other side of the fence was a stretch of bushes and shrubs. This buffer also disappeared into the distance in both directions.
As they slid through a gap in the fence, they checked their comms and looked around.
“The transport is still a few minutes away, tell me what we know about what happened next,” Marr asked.
Luna continued, “The years of conflict and turmoil had been put to good use by those behind the utopian dream. They saw first-hand how their strategies hadn’t worked. It had simply created stronger division. That division awakened and strengthened the resolve of those they saw as oppressing them. Instead, the utopians used their newly acquired authority afforded to them by the citadels to shift gear. From this they conceived the Rule of Twelve.
“The Rule of Twelve said that all were equal, but only when at the same level of assigned privilege. They conceived the model with twelve levels. Each level would be granted certain privilege, and with it, power, and entitlement. Level 1 having the most, and level twelve having the least. They appointed sixty of themselves as the first EOs for this new world order. Twelve for each citadel. They decided that EOs would remain in these positions until their death.
“Appointment of EO replacement is from the level below. This in turn opens opportunity for promotion for the level below and so on. Each can have up to twelve devoted followers, or observers, who occupy the level below. This propagates down to level twelve. In reality each really only has one to two subordinates.
“Most, start and remain at level twelve. Known as the deprivileged, they are destined to work their entire lives. They live in the walls of the city without not much more than subsistence-based rewards for their toil.”

With that, Luna stopped talking. They both listened. Without speaking and at the exact same moment they both launched into a sprint. Dashing through the stretch of bushes and shrubs and running as fast as they could in the direction of the citadel. Their firm and able bodies responded to their will with beautiful precision.
Behind them, a huge airborne vehicle came over the horizon. It came low and fast. A cloud of dust rose in its wake. It would be on top of them in moments. Lowering out of the craft were two cables. Each with a sort of a hook mechanism at the end. The cables were weighted slightly so they extended out behind the craft but didn’t touch the top of the bushes.
Marr and Luna had separated slightly so whilst running level, there was now a gap between them. As they ran, they unfurled a length of tether from their belts and clipped one end into their body harness. Just as the massive quadcopter reached their position, Marr and Luna sprung into the air, pivoting as they went and letting go of the loose end of the tethers.
The craft passed overhead and then climbed. The tethers spiralled out and caught the cables. The locking mechanisms found each other and made a secure bond. As the craft climbed the cables where unfelled some more so when they went taut, Marr and Luna only felt a slight pull as they flew through the air. The winches then reversed direction, bringing Marr and Luna into the belly of the transport. The doors in the floor closed below them.

Once unclipped from the winches, Marr and Luna headed straight for their lockers. The lockers were hidden in the walls of the hold. They stowed most of their equipment and changed out of their fatigues and into their keepers’ outfits. Then they each found a spare console to sync the fake logs.
Only when the consoles and lockers were hidden from view again, did they give the other a high five and acknowledge their colleagues. A dozen other colleagues were already in this space completing a similar routine.
As the adrenaline rush dissipated, sweat soaked their clothes and added to the illusion they were crafting. They found seats and settled in for the ride.

(to be continued...)

[Rule of Twelve, Double Take, Chapter 2 - Perspective (Passage 4 of 5)]

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2021 BJ Allen

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Rule of Twelve, Book 1, Chapter 2

Double Take
Chapter 2 - Perspective


Rule of Twelve, Book 1, Chapter 2
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Chapter 1 - A routine descent


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Rule of Twelve, Book 1, Chapter 3

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Rule of Twelve, Book 1, Chapter 3
Rule of Twelve books to be narrated with the help of A.I.

I am investing in A.I. driven narration to bring the Rule of Twelve books to life.

It will be more than just narration in the traditional audio book sense. The A.I. will enable me to bring dialogue to life with character specific voices. This will create a rich and engaging narration.

Over the coming months I will be in catch-up mode, building the narration for already published material. Eventually, the aim will be to concurrently release chapters in both written and rich narrative form.

The narration will eventually make it to audiobook form for platforms like Audible and Spotify. However, to get it sooner, you will need a Locals subscription. The Locals App works just like your favourite audiobook app. So, you can listen on the go. Becoming a subscriber also helps keep this whole show on the road.

I look forward to sharing the journey with you.


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Rule of Twelve, Book 2, Convergence

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Rule of Twelve, Book 1, Double Take

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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 13
Regeneration - Power




Dukk opened his eyes. It was dark.

   “A dream. It must have been a dream,” he muttered as he tried to fathom where he was. He tried to digest the pre-dawn excursion with Craig.

   He swung himself out of bed. Marr was gone.

   He checked the time. Mid-afternoon.

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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 12
Regeneration - New ground




“What in the world is going on?” Craig demanded as the doors to the south banqueting hall, closed behind them.

   Dukk, Marr and Emeelie stood before him. Beyond was the atrium bathed in orange light from the setting sun.

   On the opposite side of the atrium the doors to the north banqueting hall were open. Music and chatter could be heard from within.

   The noise from the others disguised the deathly silence that engulfed the four.

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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 11
Regeneration - Levelling




“I am going to need a shower and change of clothes,” Marr announced as she put her helmet and goggles back on the rack in the garage.

   “Yes, the dust gets in everywhere,” Emeelie replied. “There are showers near the pool. Change of clothes too if you don’t want to go back to your suite all dusty.”

   “That is a good idea.”

   “Have you seen the pools below sea level yet?” Craig asked.


   “I was going to shower and change down there. Then use the sauna and take a swim. The pool up here can get quite hot in the afternoons.”

   “That sounds like a great idea,” Dukk said.

   “Absolutely, lead the way,” Marr added.

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