The emerging science fiction futuristic story, 200 odd years from now, of life based on the trajectory of the current madness.
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July 30, 2021
Rule of Twelve, Double Take - Ch4 (Passage 4/5)

(… continuing)

On hearing the retreat of the sentinel quadcopters, Marr and Luna got underway again.
This time they moved along much faster. They weren't as concerned about covering their tracks.
They still did their best to avoid leaving identifiable footprints, however they were now sufficiently into the wild, that it wouldn't matter as much.

Apart from some routine chatter for the fake logs, they moved in silence. Enjoying the sounds of nature, but also staying alert to any further search activities.

Their path took them on a wide half circle.
Eventually they arrived one kilometre south of the hangers they been in during the morning.
It was late afternoon by this stage. Soon, they would need to prepare to return to the citadel.
Their track had them into a valley filled with eucalyptus trees.
In the middle of the valley, they came across a decrepit chain link fence. Hanging on the fence was a very faded sign. The words were only just visible.
It read, “Keep Out, Medical Device Storage Facility.”
They climbed through one of the many gaps in the fence and made their way towards the center of the area.
Bits of metal and rusty objects could be seen here and there. More than one hundred and fifty years of growth had almost hidden the junked equipment.
A sign was still barely visible on what was left of a small booth.
It read, “JAB BOOTH. Certified Covid Vaccine. In an instant, get fourteen days access to international travel and indoor hospitality. PCR Test included. Scan your Digital ID to get started."
They found the path markers and made their way north towards a small hut hidden amongst the metal, bushes, and trees.
Within the hut was some old rusting equipment.
They waited. After a couple of minutes, they heard a faint click. At the same time, the lip of a hatch appeared in the dusty floor.
Using a knife as a lever, Marr lifted the hatch to expose the ladder within.

Marr and Luna dropped down the ladder and entered the back of the base.
They made their way towards the center of the base and entered their crew room.
Within the crew room, they changed back into keeper outfits.
“I am surprised we didn’t see any sight of the dingo pack; I am sure the tracks we were seeing were fresh,” shared Luna as they stowed their equipment.
“A good thing too, definitely no time today for side activities!” added Marr.
“What do you think Mentor intended by ‘Pay a visit to the Teacher when you are done’?” asked Luna absently.
“Let’s go and find out,” Marr replied as they left the crew room and headed towards the training centre.

As Marr and Luna approach the door, they could hear a warm, but broken voice from within.
Through a window in the door, they could see an old lady, sitting in a circle with six younger people all dressed in Keeper uniforms.
The lady was of dark brown complexion. She had haunting black eyes, balanced with a pleasant expression. Her wild grey hair was drawn back exposing two disfigured ears and scars that ran down the side of her neck. She wore her hair this way as if to ensure everyone saw the scars. As a mark of pride.
The Teacher caught them looking through the small window. Without breaking her monologue, she beckoned them to enter. She pointed them to some seats just inside the door.
Marr and Luna entered quickly and sat down. The students hardly paid them any attention.
“So that concludes our lesson for today. Any questions,” concluded the Teacher.
A silence filled the room for a moment or two. Then one of the students spoke up confidently.
“If things were so good, why was it so easy for the Utopians to gain so much control at the start of the Reset.”
The Teacher paused for a moment, looking around the circle.
“That is a great question, thank you, Theona. Perhaps a review of Zuby’s List will point us towards an answer. How about we add something about it to the homework and give it our full attention tomorrow,” replied the Teacher.
A groan echoed around the room.
“Perhaps everyone could find one example in your lives today, using the list as the reference, and bring it to class tomorrow,” continued the Teacher.
“Can someone share the list with us before we go?” she asked the room.
There was another pause.
“Perhaps the gentleman at the back of the room could refresh our memories?” the Teacher said as everyone turned their heads to see whom she was referring to.

Marr and Luna spun around with everyone else.
Mentor was standing behind them.
Without even so much as a nod, Mentor began to speak softly, but clearly.
“Zuby’s List, July fifth, year one.
“Number one, most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.
“Number two, at least twenty percent of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.
“Three, fear of death is only rivalled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.
“Four, propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was one hundred years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.
“Number five, anything, and everything can and will be politicised by the media, government, and those who trust them.
“Six, many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.
“Seven, most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.
“Number eight, once they have made up their mind, most people would rather to commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.
“Nine, humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviours - for better or worse.
“Ten, when sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.
“Eleven, people who are dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists' are often researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.
“Number twelve, most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said 'safety' is merely an illusion.
“Thirteen, hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to 'normal'.
“Fourteen, a significant percent of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.
“Fifteen, 'The Science' has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.
“Number sixteen, most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.
“Seventeen, politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.
“Eighteen, if you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.
“Nineteen, modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.
“Twenty, it's easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.
“Number twenty-one, most people are fairly compassionate and have good intentions (this is good).
“And, finally, number twenty-two, most people deeply struggle to understand that some people, including our 'leaders', CAN have malicious or perverse intentions (this is bad).”

The students, Marr and Luna had been transfixed, listening. They all sensed they had just witnessed something truly momentous. Being in the same room as Mentor was one thing, but hearing him speak, was something different all together.

“Very good, Mentor, you paid attention all those years ago when you sat here.”
The Teacher’s thanks, broke the spell.
With that the students gathered their things and left, sensing these visitors were not here for their further entertainment.

(to be continued...)

[Rule of Twelve, Double Take, Chapter 4 - Cause and effect (Passage 4 of 5)]

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2021 BJ Allen

  • Zuby’s List - Zuby Udezue, Twitter @ZubyMusic, 5th July 2021
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I am investing in A.I. driven narration to bring the Rule of Twelve books to life.

It will be more than just narration in the traditional audio book sense. The A.I. will enable me to bring dialogue to life with character specific voices. This will create a rich and engaging narration.

Over the coming months I will be in catch-up mode, building the narration for already published material. Eventually, the aim will be to concurrently release chapters in both written and rich narrative form.

The narration will eventually make it to audiobook form for platforms like Audible and Spotify. However, to get it sooner, you will need a Locals subscription. The Locals App works just like your favourite audiobook app. So, you can listen on the go. Becoming a subscriber also helps keep this whole show on the road.

I look forward to sharing the journey with you.


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Rule of Twelve, Book 2, Convergence

Read Book 2 right here in Locals.

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Rule of Twelve, Book 1, Double Take

Read Book 1 right here in Locals.

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March 28, 2024
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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 13
Regeneration - Power




Dukk opened his eyes. It was dark.

   “A dream. It must have been a dream,” he muttered as he tried to fathom where he was. He tried to digest the pre-dawn excursion with Craig.

   He swung himself out of bed. Marr was gone.

   He checked the time. Mid-afternoon.

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March 07, 2024
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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 12
Regeneration - New ground




“What in the world is going on?” Craig demanded as the doors to the south banqueting hall, closed behind them.

   Dukk, Marr and Emeelie stood before him. Beyond was the atrium bathed in orange light from the setting sun.

   On the opposite side of the atrium the doors to the north banqueting hall were open. Music and chatter could be heard from within.

   The noise from the others disguised the deathly silence that engulfed the four.

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January 26, 2024
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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 11
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“I am going to need a shower and change of clothes,” Marr announced as she put her helmet and goggles back on the rack in the garage.

   “Yes, the dust gets in everywhere,” Emeelie replied. “There are showers near the pool. Change of clothes too if you don’t want to go back to your suite all dusty.”

   “That is a good idea.”

   “Have you seen the pools below sea level yet?” Craig asked.


   “I was going to shower and change down there. Then use the sauna and take a swim. The pool up here can get quite hot in the afternoons.”

   “That sounds like a great idea,” Dukk said.

   “Absolutely, lead the way,” Marr added.

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