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Rule of Twelve, Double Take - Ch5 (Passage 2/5)

(… continuing)

It was eight in the evening by the time Dukk had cleared the ID Gateway.
He used his nav to get the directions to The Triggerarti, the bar where he was to meet Wallace as instructed by the mystery man.
There were a few options. He chose the option that involved more walking.
For a haulier, walking under full gravity was something to be treasured. Dukk was no different. Feeling the weight of his body reminded him of his past. It gave him a sense of belonging somewhere.
His commute would involve a hyperloop journey from the VG station near the centre of the citadel. That would bring him to the middle ring. From there he would have a forty-five-minute walk to the port area.
He was looking forward to refamiliarizing himself with the layout.

In the port area, Marr and Luna had arrived at The Triggerarti.
The Triggerarti was a popular bar and restaurant, with plenty of tables as well as seating along the bar.
Luna hung back a little as Marr headed off to find the owner.
He had already seen them. He tracked Marr’s approach and was standing ready at the bar when she got there. He smiled.
“Need a drink or something to eat?” he asked.
“Maybe, but first I have a question.”
“If one was thinking on embarking on a new adventure and getting off this planet, who would one talk to?” Marr asked.
The publican laughed.
“You two look like keepers to me,” he said nodding over at Luna. Luna was trying to look inconspicuous near the door. “And you, look a bit old to be changing direction. You’d be better off sticking with what you know.”
“Thank you, for your advice, but I think I am clear in my head as to what is best for me,” Marr responded with a smirk.
“Well, if you are clear, then who am I to get in your way. And if you want adventure away from this rock, get yourselves on a rig, that will certainly achieve all your aims! Captains come here often looking for contracts and crew. Take a seat, get some refreshments and I’ll let you know if I see any captains,” the owner instructed as he signalled to a server to find them a table.
“Thank you,” Marr replied as she and Luna followed the server to a table.

The Hyperloop journey had been fast and clinical.
Before descending to ground level, Dukk stopped briefly to gaze up into the night sky. The city lights made it hard to see many stars, but the Southern Cross was there as clear as day. Seeing it from space was a far more spectacular experience, however Dukk liked to gaze up at it and imagine how most that went before him would have seen it.
Dukk had enjoyed the walk across to the outer ring. He had enjoyed exploring the narrow streets as he made his way to the pubs near the port.
It was a warm night. A little humid, but clear. Ideal walking conditions.
It all looked familiar. He wasn’t sure if that was his memory of the last time, they hauled a load out of here. Or, if simply that citadels mostly looked the same.

The nav comms informed Dukk that he was nearly at his destination. The nav suggested that The Triggerarti was at the end of the street he was now entering.
Halfway down the long and narrow street, Dukk noticed a drinks stand. There were a few people queuing to buy a beverage.
At that moment the streetlights went out and immediately two men were at his side.
One covered his mouth as they hustled him through a door that opened in the building opposite the drinks stand.

The door shut behind them. Within, was a dimly lit room. It looked like a small pub, with a bar, a few chairs, and the odd table.
At one of the tables sat a man. The low light made it hard to make out any distinguishable features.

Dukk’s escort shuffled him towards the table and sat him at a chair opposite the man.
The man waved his hand over Dukk’s bracelet and Dukk noticed a faint green glow. The man also had a faint green glow coming from his wrist. It was the same as his experience with the mystery man in Kuedia. Only then did the goons release him and uncover Dukk’s mouth

“Hello Dukk, welcome to Utopiam, you can call me Wallace,” said the man as he reached over and switched on a lamp.

(to be continued...)

[Rule of Twelve, Double Take, Chapter 5 - The first meeting (Passage 2 of 5)]

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2021 BJ Allen

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Rule of Twelve books to be narrated with the help of A.I.

I am investing in A.I. driven narration to bring the Rule of Twelve books to life.

It will be more than just narration in the traditional audio book sense. The A.I. will enable me to bring dialogue to life with character specific voices. This will create a rich and engaging narration.

Over the coming months I will be in catch-up mode, building the narration for already published material. Eventually, the aim will be to concurrently release chapters in both written and rich narrative form.

The narration will eventually make it to audiobook form for platforms like Audible and Spotify. However, to get it sooner, you will need a Locals subscription. The Locals App works just like your favourite audiobook app. So, you can listen on the go. Becoming a subscriber also helps keep this whole show on the road.

I look forward to sharing the journey with you.


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Rule of Twelve, Book 2, Convergence

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Rule of Twelve, Book 1, Double Take

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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 13
Regeneration - Power




Dukk opened his eyes. It was dark.

   “A dream. It must have been a dream,” he muttered as he tried to fathom where he was. He tried to digest the pre-dawn excursion with Craig.

   He swung himself out of bed. Marr was gone.

   He checked the time. Mid-afternoon.

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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 12
Regeneration - New ground




“What in the world is going on?” Craig demanded as the doors to the south banqueting hall, closed behind them.

   Dukk, Marr and Emeelie stood before him. Beyond was the atrium bathed in orange light from the setting sun.

   On the opposite side of the atrium the doors to the north banqueting hall were open. Music and chatter could be heard from within.

   The noise from the others disguised the deathly silence that engulfed the four.

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Rule of Twelve, Book 3, Chapter 11
Regeneration - Levelling




“I am going to need a shower and change of clothes,” Marr announced as she put her helmet and goggles back on the rack in the garage.

   “Yes, the dust gets in everywhere,” Emeelie replied. “There are showers near the pool. Change of clothes too if you don’t want to go back to your suite all dusty.”

   “That is a good idea.”

   “Have you seen the pools below sea level yet?” Craig asked.


   “I was going to shower and change down there. Then use the sauna and take a swim. The pool up here can get quite hot in the afternoons.”

   “That sounds like a great idea,” Dukk said.

   “Absolutely, lead the way,” Marr added.

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